Harvey Weinstein

Back when I was a secretary I had to be very careful of what I posted - nothing controversial  - nothing feminist   Nothing that would embarrass the organization. But since I really don’t plan on dipping back into that rat race laced with predators,  I feel compelled to share this #metoo #protestart on the overturning of Harvey Weinstein’s rape conviction. I’m popping it up in the social media platforms I frequent that prefer pet or pimple popping videos, pansy or male gaze paintings. It’s like throwing a rock in a lake, if it gets any attention at all, it will soon evaporate - at best this will only ripple slightly and disappear, like this skeevy fat man rapist and the testimony of 87 women who testified against him,.  Fair trial? Dudes on the Supreme Court it’s time to #believewomen  

but then again, as they strip away our rights, that’s just a fucking pipe dream. 

I’m going to have a pop up with him on Mother’s Day  stay tuned for details  



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